Other stories

Stories that don't merit a page to themselves.

Club Carpe Noctem was an early Cag story involving vampires. This story included Pasht and, in his first appearance, Pasht's pet stooge, Barnabas O'Toole. Jaina Jade may have appeared as well.

Carpe was archived, but the archive appears to have been abridged; none of the characters named above appear in the extant file.

The Quest for Lantri: see The Quest for Lantri

Monolith was a Profusion (then called Proelium) story which included Mai Yamato. She and other characters got caught up in a quest involving voices that most of them couldn't hear. The story was never finished.

Short Bus was a lighthearted Profusion story where a non-magical institute of higher learning, Stonecroft, began to integrate more traditionally fantasy characters into their student body. Lady Knight was among the nonhuman students. This story marks the beginning of LK's custom of magically hiding her thick accent.

The Sith Temple was an early TSFV Cag story led by Zara Jade. Jaina Jade trained with Zara there, getting a lightsaber scar that she keeps to this day.

The Sith Temple was archived, but the archive appears to have been abridged; none of the characters named above appear in the extant file.

The Underdark was a House of Elf roleplay. Pasht is named within the archive a few times, but does not actually appear. (Apparently she had incapacitated somebody in another board, and The Underdark included both the target and several references to Pasht's action.)

Categories: Profusion, TSFV

(There's nothing down here. There's just a lot of empty space. It's supposed to help with something....)